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Summer Fun!


Can you believe that summer is already here? Rather than sitting and scrolling on social media, GET ACTIVE!!
Click on the image above for the guide.


BCMS Summer School
There will not be a summer program at Briggs Chaney this summer due to renovations.


SSL Summer Opportunities

Remember you need 75 hours to graduate from high school.

Summer Opportunities
for Students


Please click on the image above to view all the activities. The slide was created by Ms. Showman and can be seen from any browser. Enjoy!

Montgomery County Rec. Dept.

Montgomery County Rec Dept.jpg

Montgomery County Recreation Department

Click on the photo for camps below


Montgomery County Public Schools

Central High School Summer Program
for rising 9th graders only.  Enrollment dates have passed. You must already be enrolled in one of these sessions to register for classes. Counselors are expected to recom
mend class selections.
May 26
egistration for Session 1
 June 23rd
Registration for Session 2

Visit Montgomery

Visit Montgomery.jpg


These and other activities available at low prices.

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